Timothy Sanchez

Forum Replies Created

Yeah I was afraid you were going to say that 🙂

I was hoping though, LOL


I tried it and while it will allow me to click the buttons *if* I scale the screen view to 125% or more, the only button that works is the “Template” button. It brings up a list of templates to choose from. However, none of them work. If you try to add any of them it just gives you a blank page.

The “Add Section” button can be clicked, and appears to respond, but opens nothing.

Thank you thank you!

I remembered this tonight when working on something else.

Okay so I found the file is in “images/warptheme” and is called “header_bg.jpg” – I replaced that file and it’s loading the new one.

I found on the page code that this file is referenced in a DIV with the class “sp-page-title”. Found that class in many files but I assume the one I need to edit (if I want to edit it) is in “templates/wt_grandy_pro/css/template.css”

Is that correct? I just want to make it a tiny bit shorter.

You know those times when you’ve been searching so hard for an answer to a question and then you decide to just ask in a forum.

And then like five minutes later, the answer hits you in the face and you feel like a complete moron?

Yeah – this is one of those times.

I found it. Quix lets you choose different content for each “size” of screen.

Sorry to take up space in your forum…

Never mind.

I found the setting. Hidden away.

Would be nice to have the latest slider and quix updates though


About two seconds ago I added the Retina logo and it worked…

Didn’t know my Surface qualified as a “Retina” display but it’s all good.

I also figured out that there are different styles for the logo sizes for tablets and phones – working on those now.


I don’t know.

I have it working now, but I’m not 100% sure why.

For one thing I realized I was calling “PT-Sans” instead of “PT-Serif” which is what I was loading from Google. That’s my fault.

However, even after fixing that I continued to have the problem until I cleared the system cache. And after I did that the first time, I had to then do it every time I made a change. Until suddenly I didn’t.

Gift horse/Mouth

I sent an e-mail about the Quix and Unite updates. Would be nice to have them.

So during troubleshooting of this I found the following in this file:


public static function propagate_default_fonts(){

$default = array (
array(‘url’ => ‘Open+Sans:300,400,600,700,800’, ‘handle’ => ‘open-sans’),
array(‘url’ => ‘Raleway:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900’, ‘handle’ => ‘raleway’),
array(‘url’ => ‘Droid+Serif:400,700’, ‘handle’ => ‘droid-serif’ )

$fonts = get_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, array());

if(!empty($fonts)){ // do nothing
/*foreach($default as $d_key => $d_font){
$found = false;
foreach($fonts as $font){
if($font[‘handle’] == $d_font[‘handle’]){
$found = true;

if($found == false)
$fonts[] = $default[$d_key];

update_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, $fonts);

update_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, $default);




So the first default font in the list is “Open Sans” – and reading that code it looks like if there are no other fonts found, it should load that one. Funny thing – the font I see on the website (not the preview) is “Open Sans”

I am going to do an experiment and see if I change the first default line of code to “PT-Sans” (or something well known like Times New Roman) if it will load that.

Oh and I should add that I even tried to create an entirely new slider from scratch and the same thing happens.

It was the provider. Because it was not a “full” account they’d monkeyed with some of the permissions in other places. I guess to prevent someone from doing something untoward.

They fixed them and it worked, but I went ahead and upgraded to a full server.

Having a different issue now but will open a different thread about that.

Okay so I checked all the permissions and there was no problem.

I backed up the entire “public_html” directory into a gzip and then unzipped a new Joomla install in there.

Unfortunately, I got the same “400 Bad Request” error

So I deleted everything the directory again and added 1 file – phpinfo.php with the appropriate code and permissions.

No dice – still getting the 400 error.

I will send a ticket to the provider and see what they say.