Tagged: Unite Slider Text Style Class

Okay I have the “Grandy” package and was working to modify the slider on the home page.
I loaded a different Google font (PT-Sans) using the instructions. Everything seemed to work the way it should.
I created a new style for a new text layer with the settings I wanted and applied it to the text:
font-size: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
font-weight: 400;
font-family: PT-Sans;
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: transparent;
text-shadow: none;
text-transform: none;
letter-spacing: 0px;
text-align: center;
border-width: 0px;
border-color: #222222;
border-style: none;
It looks great in the WYSIWYG and okay in the preview although it seems like the text is much bigger in the preview window so I figure there is something wrong.
If you save the slider and preview the whole site, things are really messed up. The picture is okay, but the text that uses the new font/style reverts from a 40px PT-Sans in bold white to what looks like 15pt Arial in plain gray or black. Not only that, but if you mess with the text that was already there – on either slide – the same thing happens to it.
Anyone dealt with this before? Is there a central include file somewhere that may be overriding my more-specific settings? Or a main style file that I can simply delete to start everything over?
And am I able to get upgrade packages from you all for Quix and Unite or do I have to buy them?
Oh and I should add that I even tried to create an entirely new slider from scratch and the same thing happens.
So during troubleshooting of this I found the following in this file:
public static function propagate_default_fonts(){
$default = array (
array(‘url’ => ‘Open+Sans:300,400,600,700,800’, ‘handle’ => ‘open-sans’),
array(‘url’ => ‘Raleway:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900’, ‘handle’ => ‘raleway’),
array(‘url’ => ‘Droid+Serif:400,700’, ‘handle’ => ‘droid-serif’ )
$fonts = get_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, array());
if(!empty($fonts)){ // do nothing
/*foreach($default as $d_key => $d_font){
$found = false;
foreach($fonts as $font){
if($font[‘handle’] == $d_font[‘handle’]){
$found = true;
if($found == false)
$fonts[] = $default[$d_key];
update_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, $fonts);
update_option(‘tp-google-fonts’, $default);
So the first default font in the list is “Open Sans” – and reading that code it looks like if there are no other fonts found, it should load that one. Funny thing – the font I see on the website (not the preview) is “Open Sans”
I am going to do an experiment and see if I change the first default line of code to “PT-Sans” (or something well known like Times New Roman) if it will load that.
Didn’t work.
I don’t know.
I have it working now, but I’m not 100% sure why.
For one thing I realized I was calling “PT-Sans” instead of “PT-Serif” which is what I was loading from Google. That’s my fault.
However, even after fixing that I continued to have the problem until I cleared the system cache. And after I did that the first time, I had to then do it every time I made a change. Until suddenly I didn’t.
Gift horse/Mouth
I sent an e-mail about the Quix and Unite updates. Would be nice to have them.
Hi there,
Please check this tutorial http://www.unitecms.net/joomla-extensions/unite-revolution-slider-responsive/documentation/google-fonts to change the font for text layer.
After adding google font here, you can select the font for the text via “Edit Style” button.
Thanks for the help everyone!
You’re welcome
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