How to update Warp 7 framework to the newest version

In this tutorial, I will show you how to update a theme based on the Warp 7 framework without uninstalling and reinstalling the theme. Warp 7 Framework Latest: 7.3.37 7.3.37 # Added cookies field to commentform (WP) # Updated pagination compatibility (J) # Fixed use ssl in article social buttons when forced in configuration (J) # Fixed frontend editing with...

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UIkit 2.21.0 released

UIkit 2.21.0 released - Reworked nestable component and much more, here the changelog for this release. IMPORTANT: Reworked nestable component Added uk-active class to form-select component Added uk-flex-nowrap class to flex component Added uk-icon-justify class to icon component Added kenburnsanimations option to slideshow component Added media option to parallax component Added connect multiple sortable lists Added activeClass option to tooltip...

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