Wt Bella - off canvas doesn't work

Home Forums Support Wt Bella - off canvas doesn't work

Hi Marta,
Simply create a menu module then assign it to offcanvas position.
Thank you

Yes, I have menu with Main Menu in this position but doesn’t work. Another ideas?

Offcanvas menu icon appear on mobile/tablet devices. Do you mean the off canvas appear on the desktop mode?

Yes, this icon is there but doesn’t work. Check it.

I mean on mobile/ tablet layout

Hi Marta,
It seems an issue with javascript conflict, did you install any 3rd plugin recently ?
Please submit a private ticket here https://warptheme.com/member-area/ticket-system/ with administrator account, I will take a look inside to check what’s wrong.

Thank you

Hello, a lot of time ago I send access to admin by ticket and to this moment anyone help me. Can you check this very quick? Thanks

Hi Marta,
I replied your ticket.
Thank you

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