remove 'Free One Page Joomla Template' in the title

Home Forums Support remove 'Free One Page Joomla Template' in the title

Hello, i purchase “WT-Amara-Joomla-Quickstart-1.2.1″
i have finish my site but i still have ”Free One Page Joomla Template” that apear after the title of my site
this is my site
thank you help me to remove this text out of my title

<title>dépannage stores et marquises – Free One Page Joomla Template</title>

This is the source code i find in firefox for my site

in joomla the title of my site is ‘dépnnage stores et marquises’ how can i remove the second part?
thank you

Hi there,
Just go to Menus -> Hidden Menu -> Home Default -> Page Display -> Browser Page Title
Thank you

thank you for this quick working anser 😉

You’re welcome. If you have any technical questions, please submit via our ticket system 🙂

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