Hi Brian,
Did you received my request, which I have send you via support on Sunday. After submit there was only a message visible: This topic is pending moderation
What does it means? I send you the same message via e-mail (info@warptheme.com) on sunday just to make sure that you get my message.
Please reply,
kind regards from Austira, Gerold
Hi there,
I replied your email, if you have technical question, submit here https://warptheme.com/support/
Hi Brian,
thank you for your feedback. I just wanted to make sure that you receive my question. But after sending my question via support-formular my entry was not immediately visible. It was only shown “This topic is pending moderation” and I have no idea what is the purpose of this message, either you received it and will reply later or it simply means that my request is lost in space.
I got the Message “This topic is pending moderation” also several times before.
Kind regards from Austria, Gerold
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