Problems with Template Manager Antique

Home Forums Support Problems with Template Manager Antique

Hi. Along with saying hello, I want to make the following query:
I installed a Joomla site with the Antique template which worked well for a while until administrator access failed and the site throws the following result:

Warning: base64_decode() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/hankercl/public_html/libraries/src/Session/Session.php on line 668
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on boolean in /home/hankercl/public_html/libraries/src/Session/Session.php on line 512
Fatal error: __clone method called on non-object in /home/hankercl/public_html/libraries/src/Session/Session.php on line 386

How can I solve this problem?
Greetings and I remain attentive to your comments.

(sorry my English is translated by the google translator)

Hi there,
Which Joomla version are you using ? Did you ask the hosting provider that they changed/modified something recently that related to php.ini ?

I see the issue related to this case so please try to ask your hosting provider this case. Let me know the result

Thank you

Hello Brian. Thanks for answering

The version I am using of the templates is this:

and Joomla is in version 3.8.5

The administrator has not made changes that I know, however I will consult.

Effectively there were changes in the security of the servers that I have contracted so the administrator of the service enabled the extension base64_decode ()

Now every time I raise a site with Joomla with this server I have to communicate with them to enable this extension.

Thank you very much Brian for your attention

You’re welcome

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