We just installed Domino template wit quickstart. Quix is included, but when I open it, I got only error messages, and I can not modify the pages:
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8
Hi Rita,
Which php version are you using?
Thank you
Hi Brien!
We use PHP version: 5.6.33
In the requirements I read PHP 5.6.31+ is needed, so I guess thiss should be good.
Thank you in advance: Rita
Please provide me the administrator account to check, follow this post https://warptheme.com/forums/topic/send-private-reply-supporter/ to send private reply
Thank you
Check permission the the Log folder is Unwritable, could you pls fix it first ?
Update: I see a lot of issues reported from Joomla core, not from Quix itself,
please take a look
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/…/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
Warning: htmlentities(): charset `iso-8859-2′ not supported, assuming utf-8 in /home3/www-data/../libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 701
I just replaced the folder name with “…”
Update 2: Changed the error report from Development mode to system default, now the warning no longer appear.
I found the topic with similar issue https://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.php?221385-htmlspecialchars()-charset-iso-8859-2-not-supported-assuming-utf-8
Hi Rita,
Are you able to fix the issue with LOG folder ? Let me know when you done, I will update quix and template domino latest version for you.
Hi! I installed two different components (jce and mod_articles_mostpopular) without any problem, so I don’t understand….
I unistalled, but can not install again.
I got the same message than you:(
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