Dear Sir or Madam, yesterday I bought the template WT Business Joomla! Pro Unlimited of your Website. Now I do not find all module positions (e.g. Navbar). How can I use e. g. the module position Navbar or Top A 1 till 6. In the module component of Joomla I find only Top A – without positions 1 till 6. In your description on your webite http://demo.warptheme.com/#wt_business are module positions e. g. Top A, divided into 1 till 6 or Top B divided into 1 till 6.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards
Hi there,
There’re SIX positions per row/section :), just create 06 module then assign it to top a position and DONE. The warp7 framework will assign the module position automatically 🙂
About Navbar: You can assign 04 module positions to navbar, Did you check our quickstart package before?
Please take a look our module positions for business theme here http://demo.warptheme.com/joomla/wt_business/index.php/features/module-positions
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