formulaire de contact

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je suis avec le théme beauty et je n’arrive pas a faire fonctionnée le module “contact” dans quix, pourtant j’ai bien renseignez mon adresse mail dans le module, que dois-je faire svp

What’s problem? Are you talking about receive email when submit via front-end ??

Next time please ask english question, you can use google translate to translate to ENGLISH

when a person wants to contact me via the site and uses the proposed form, I do not receive mail
I have already looked in the other topic of the forum but nothing makes it

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Could you please ask your hosting provider and verify that the mail function working fine? Some hosting disable mail function so we need to verify that.

email address at home enabled but still the same answer

ok the form works, I just delete and submitted the form

Hi there,

So the problem with sending email for quix contact form is resolved, right?

You’re welcome

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