Tagged: vhost

Here the result I tested with vhost template recently https://imgur.com/a/D6SCl
Meta tags working fine, I cleared joomla caches before testing. What’s wrong ? Same with default joomla template.
Display correctly when sharing on facebook https://imgur.com/a/grafw
You did not check what is on the metatags.
Check here for the correct Meta description here https://snag.gy/NBH5lj.jpg and here https://snag.gy/6eU0lI.jpg
and the results…..
https://snag.gy/QOoGjs.jpg (This is with vhost).
https://snag.gy/atgW53.jpg (This is with Bees 3)
Are we on the same page?
Hi Robert,
I just removed the code default by Helix3 framework. By default, the article will show up intro text from joomla article as meta description, so if you wish to use your custom meta description, simply remove the code like this
$document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="'. JHtml::_('string.truncate', $this->item->introtext, 155, false, false ) .'" />');
template folder -> html -> article -> default.php line 42
NOTE: I just commented the code above for default.php file
Now facebook will fetch the content from your meta description of article instead the joomla intro text.
Please clear caches for joomla then recheck.
Works perfectly. I even did the same for Title and got the result I have longed for, for a long time.
Thank you.
You’re welcome 😉
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