I’m having a huge issue. Before I get started I’d like to stress that my site is not open to the public unless you type the correct url into the address bar. Otherwise you will see the Coming Soon page. I also have a secure key & value attached to my site’s administrator url as well to help prevent anyone from accessing Joomla’s administrator login area.
I started / setup my site using J!3.48. Last month I upgraded from 3.4.8 straight to 3.6.5
Several other extensions were also upgraded as well.
My site’s never been open to the public, nor do I have active visitors or members as I’ve never opened the site even to former members yet. The reason for this because I’m still in the process of rebuilding the site and getting everything set up.
I just installed a new extension called Modals.
Here is the url to the developer’s website: https://www.regularlabs.com/extensions/modals
The purpose of this extension is to allow you to turn links & graphics into lightboxes instead of new browser windows.
Unfortunately, and yes I have contacted the developer, when I click a link instead of getting a lightbox or popup I’m taken directly to the new site leaving my site behind. The only way to get back to my site is to hit the back button on my browser.
I paid for support with the extension developer who is not exactly willing to help me as I’m not running the latest J!3.8.4 or 3.8.5 & I’m not running his extension’s latest version either.
However though, He did take a look at my site. (I’m assuming)
Here was his reply: Your template is probably loading conflicting jQuery scripts.
It is hard to tell, as your template is caching and combining the scripts. So you can’t see what is actually being loaded.
He does provide an option to Load jQuery Script. By default it is set to yes. I have set it to no, and if that fixed the problem I wouldn’t be asking for help right now. Here’s the description that you see when you mouseover “Load jQuery Script”. Select to load the core jQuery script. You can disable this if you experience conflicts if your template or other extensions load their own version of jQuery.
I changed my default template from Factory to protostar and his extension works. So whatever the problem is it’s extremely critical I get it solved. As not getting it fixed will force to me to pull an entire section from site and delay me even further behind on getting the site back open to the public.
Thanks for any help that can be provided.
I am one person who HATES to give up on things even if it takes days to figure out. I’m also a programming idiot, I don’t know how to do css, javascript, php, etc… The last time I wrote anything was html4.x… Now I’ve got to relearn everything since html5 is no where near as feature rich as html4 since html5 relies so heavily on css now.
While I waited for someone to respond to this post I kept looking at various things and eventually I found this: http://www.joomshaper.com/forums/more-problems-with-helix
While the potential solution did not work for the original poster, I did go into my template’s advanced settings and turned off: Compress Javascripts.
Refreshed my site and the modals extension works!!! :cheer:
I do not want to leave the javascript compression feature turned off, but if I turn it back on then the modals extension will not work properly. Who do I need to get in touch with to get this corrected?
Thanks for your time,
Hi Danielle,
Helix3 framework itself load jquery script, for this case, if you wish to use Compress js to improve the page speed, please go to Plugin manager, find plugin name System – Regular Labs – Modals => tab Advanced => Use Media Versioning set to No
Clear caches and recheck. After that you can use compress js feature from helix framework and modal extension from Regularlab without any problem.
Thank you
Thank you so much for all of your help, I truly appreciate it.
You’re welcome
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