Change Language (Contact Form)

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I’m trying to change the contact form in BerryKids into German.
No Idea, where to change that. I don’t really need the english version because the template will only be used in german language.

You Reinhold,
Please do following this tutorial to translate the contact form fields.

Sorry, but the tutorial isn’t very helpful.

Which language do I have to choose ? (I want to use german only). Admin or Site ?
I did not find any of the keys mentioned there in the overrides.

And, when logging into the backend, the “Default Language” is still set to english, despite I disabled the english language…

I changed it the “dirty way”…

I changed the content directly in this file:

That works now, but it should be done via Joomla-Overrides, what unfortunately is not the case !

“Which language do I have to choose ? (I want to use german only). Admin or Site ?”
You need to select Your german language SITE
“I’m trying to change the contact form in BerryKids into German.”
=> Did you select german language for Joomla language override before ? See

  • This reply was modified 54 years, 7 months ago by .

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