Tagged: amara, header color

How can I change the header color from white to any hex code on my site? https://www.wos.nu/
Also, how do I easy change all the blue color on the menu and buttons to another color?
Hi Sebastian,
Open custom.css file https://www.wos.nu/templates/wt_amara_pro/css/custom.css then add
.tm-navbar.uk-navbar {
background: #000;
.uk-navbar-nav > li > a {
color: #fff;
.uk-navbar-nav > li.uk-active > a {
color: green;
.uk-navbar-nav > li:hover > a,
.uk-navbar-nav > li > a:focus,
.uk-navbar-nav > li.uk-open > a {
color: green;
replace the color to suite your needs.
WOW Many thanks for your excellent support! It worked!
Another questions. I’ve noticed that when I create joomla articles, all modules don’t work, and I don’t know why. For example the breadcrumbs. I made a quick and dirty solution and added a “back” button.
Also, the page wos.nu is a onepager, but with articles. Is it possible to keep the “one pager” main menu within single articles? Since the buttons aren’t real links, the lead to nowhere if I keep the main menu visible within independent articles.
For instance: https://wos.nu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:att-jobba-extra&catid=12:soek-jobb
Here I managed to get the breadcrumbs in through quix which is fine, but then “hem” isnt linkable… And the ordinary module is assigned to every page, but doesnt show up. Does the quix always override every position?
Hi Sebastian,
1. Enable joomla seo url friendly for SEO
2. You are using One page mode which assigned to the home page only. You need to create a second menu module for multiple pages then assign breadcumb or other modules to the 2nd menu module.
Example: Home 2 http://demo.warptheme.com/joomla/wt_amara/index.php/home2
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