breadcrumb is missing now!

Home Forums Support breadcrumb is missing now!

Hi Brian,

somehow, the breadcrumb disappeard from my website:
breadcrumb is missing now!

I have add it at each relevant menu under “helix page title” and “Background Image”

When I create the link to the picture, I find it in the correct folder. Modul “Breadcrumbs” is active. So it should works, like from the beginning. Maybe change to PHP 7.4 cause this problem?

Thank you for your help. Kind regards from Austria,

Hi Brian,

yes I am working to finalize a Multilingual website. Actually the breadcrumb_picture was visible from the beginning. Just since short time the breadcrumb disappeard from the website.

I added to breadcrumb-pictures: 1x breadcrumb-bg_de.jpg (german) and 1x breadcrumb-bg_en.jpf (english).
Following your advice I made a copy of breadcrumb-modul. Which are called now
Breadcrumbs-de and Breadcrumbs-en. In the modul I changed also the correct language.

I checked at frontpage, but still no visible.

Thank you for your help. Kind regards from Austria,

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This reply has been marked as private, meaning that only the original poster and forum moderators can see the content of the reply.

Hi there,
1. You can download the package via customer area, you have changed the template_name so please copy the files for scss manually.
2. The issue caused by your custom layout settings, if you want to show the page title and breadcrumbs, the layout look like this
I Just modified the layout for you and now its working.
3. You are using both ACY 5 and 6 component, I can help to uninstall the ACY version 5 if you want

Hi Brian,

1) I have download the package and I exchanged the files at less-directory at my website. And Frontpage is working now correctly, without failure-message.
2) Thank you for the changes on the breadcrumb. Perfect.
3) Which version of ACY shall I use? I tought, when I install the latest ACY, then the old directory ACY5 will be updated automaticly. Is it easy to delete ACY5 from my backend? Are there any importants links, which are connected with the template itself? When I have a look at modules I can see ACY 5.6.0 and ACY 6.19.3. To uninstall ACY4 I would do this at Extensions / Manage or?

Thank you for your help,

Kind regards from Austria,

Hi Gerold,
I recommend you use ACY 6, the ACY 5 version no longer support Joomla 4 in future. Yes you can uninstall the ACY 5 extension via Extension Manager.
Thank you

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