I bought your beautiful “Berrykids” template and everything works ok… but as new RDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is mandatory on every website on europe, does the latest version meets the requirements for the new regulation?
Does the version i’m using (1.0.3) meets the regulation as well?
Thank you in advance,
Tiago Marques
Hi Tiago,
The template itself working fine without problem. Berrykids already included cookie notification feature if you use cookie or you can install 3rd cookie notification for your site.
Thank you
Hi Brian, I have same Question. You are right, a cookie notification ist includet, but it ist not enough to notify about Cookies. It’s necessary to disable any Cookies and after enableing the Cookies by Customer, it’s allowed to use them.
How it can realized with BerryKids Template?
Hi Sebastian,
The cookie notification doesn’t block any cookies, just notification to users that your site using cookie or not. We will add the feature to block the cookie in the next update. Now, I recommend you use 3rd extension like https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/gdpr/
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