
1.3.1 (June 13, 2024)

  • Added Joomla 5.1.1 Quickstart and SP Page Builder 5.3.3 updated
  • Added Add aria label option for links across all add-ons
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.21.5
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.3.1
  • Added Extra Addons plugin updated to 1.3.0
  • Fixed Fix markup regards to accessibility in Card Slider, Switcher, Testimonial Slider, Slider and Slideshow addons
  • Fixed Fix issue with image ALT that breaks the font-end editing mode
  • Improved Improved link target attribute in front-end editing mode
  • Improved Card Slider: Fix missing panel link feature

1.3.0 (Mar 24, 2024)

  • Added Joomla 5.0.3 Quickstart and SP Page Builder 5.2.9 updated
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.19.2
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.3.0

1.2.10 (December 22, 2023)

  • Added Joomla 5 Quickstart and SP Page Builder 5.2.4 updated
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.17.11
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.10

1.2.9 (October 14, 2023)

  • Fixed Slideshow: Fix Min/Max Height rendering if Viewport is selected
  • Fixed Pricing, Simple Pricing, Business hours: Fix "a non-numeric value encountered" issue and add-on disappear after fixing page content
  • Added Joomla 4.3.4 Quickstart and SP Page Builder 5.1.3 updated
  • Added Switcher: Add item max width option
  • Added Grid, Gallery, InfoBox, CallOut, Team Member add-on: Add parallax justify, start and end options
  • Added Grid, Gallery, InfoBox, CallOut, Team Member: Add masonry pack mode
  • Added All Add-ons: Add Heading 3X-Large size modifier to title style
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.17.1
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.9

1.2.8 (July 22, 2023)

  • Improved Improved codebase for all add-ons.
  • Fixed SP Page Builder 5.0.5: All bug fixes that related to missing layout in front-end editing mode
  • Added Joomla 4.3.3 Quickstart and SP Page Builder 5 package

1.2.7 (July 10, 2023)

  • Added Extra add-on plugin installation package for SP Page Builder 5(Doc updated)
  • Added SP Page Builder 5 support (including new back-end editing)

1.2.6 (June 18, 2023)

  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.16.21
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.6
  • Updated Joomla quickstart packages to 4.3.2
  • Improved Video add-on on modal popup
  • Changed Updated System - Extra Addon Assets plugin to 1.0.6

1.2.5 (March 22, 2023)

  • Added Accessibility for all Add-ons.
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.16
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.5
  • Fixed All bug fixes that related to SP Page Builder 4 might crash in front-end editing mode
  • Fixed Callout, Infobox icon size, icon color not applied in frontend editing
  • Fixed Subnav: Fix menu items alignment not being applied
  • Fixed Grid: Show all filter control not being applied
  • Improved Card: Left/Right image alignment
  • Changed Updated System - Extra Addon Assets plugin to 1.0.5

1.2.4 (December 17, 2022)

  • Added All add-ons: Lazy load image by default
  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.15.17
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.4
  • Fixed Content align: [Live editing] Fix indexOf js error
  • Fixed Content align: Fix larger style option not working properly
  • Fixed Button group: Fix button alignment not being applied
  • Fixed Description list: Fix $grid_cls_bp is not defined
  • Fixed Grid counter: Title decoration not being applied via front-end editing
  • Fixed Person: Fix panel_card_image variable not defined
  • Fixed Heading highlight: Title font size not being applied
  • Improved Notification, Cookie Banner: Add expires option to handle click event
  • Changed Updated System - Extra Addon Assets plugin to 1.0.3

1.2.3 (May 26, 2022)

  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.14.1
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.3
  • Fixed Know bugs fixes
  • Improved Slideshow Add-ons viewport height

1.2.2 (March 28, 2022)

  • Added Uikit css/js library updated to 3.13.5
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.2
  • Fixed media background not found (Extra add-ons pro)
  • Improved Refactor Overlay, Gallery and Slider add-ons
  • Improved Refactor Card, Card Slider, Grid add-ons
  • Improved Extra theme: Improved Joomla 4 contact form
  • Improved Extra theme: Improved Cookie notification rendering

1.2.1 (October 04, 2021)

  • Added Leaflet-providers option for map add-on
  • Added Support Live Editing mode for SP Page Builder Pro
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.1

1.2.0 (Aug 24, 2021)

  • Added Joomla 4 Quickstart package
  • Added Uikit updated to 3.7
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.2.0 and Joomla 4 support

1.1.9 (March 20, 2021)

  • Added Filter animation for Grid and Gallery
  • Added Grid counter add-on
  • Added Uikit updated to 3.6.18
  • Added Extra template updated to 1.1.9
  • Fixed Countdown alignment not being applied.
  • Fixed Card slider add-on: Divider option not being applied.

1.1.8 (November 15, 2020)

  • Created Free Extra Add-ons installation package (
  • Improved Add-ons performance while working on Front-end/Back-end editor
  • Fixed Image fields not being applied for latest SP Page Builder 3.7.5

1.1.7 (February 29, 2020)

  • Created Extra Add-ons installation package (
  • Created (A plugin to load Ukit 3 css/js libraries for none Uikit based theme/ template)
  • Added Uikit 3.3.3 updated
  • Improved Light Gallery add-on RTL mode
  • Removed Unused template's css/js files. The add-ons css/js files now moved to /plugins/sppagebuilder/extra/addons
  • Fixed Pricing Addon RTL issue ($ character not aligned correctly)

Extra Template 1.1.7 updated on February 29, 2020

  • Added uikit.min.css and font-awesome.min.css for component mode.
  • Improved Modal front-end editing joomla articles
  • Fixed K2 profile edit RTL (choosen issue)
  • Fixed Login/Registration: Title heading display issue.

1.1.6 (February 16, 2020)

  • Added Uikit 3.3.2 updated
  • Added Font Awesome 5 Support
  • Improved Code Format
  • Fixed Fix minor bugs on Firefox

Extra Template updated on February 16, 2020

  • Added New K2 layout design (Uikit template). If you use K2 extension, K2 content, k2 modules, the layout will be added automatically.
  • Added Add Flip mode options for header offcanvas layout types.
  • Added Primary menu style option for header navbar.
  • Added Cookie bar type option for Cookie Banner setting.
  • Improved Moved header offcanvas to layout builder settings. Show/Hide header offcanvas options based on your header layout type.
  • Improved Show/hide toolbar transparent option based on your BODY layout type.
  • Fixed Fix featured blog meta makeup
  • Fixed Fix system message alert close button not working.
  • Fixed Header layouts: Fix Offcanvas Top B/ Modal Top B navbar module positions rendering.
  • Fixed All header layouts: Fix Center vertically mobile canvas not working.

1.1.5 (November 08, 2019)

  • Changed Using Fontawesome as default icon field for all add-ons, get ready for Fontawesome 5 (Helix Ultimate feature update)
  • Added Uikit 3.2.3 updated
  • Added 16 header styles for Extra template
  • Changed Using Fontawesome as default icon field for all add-ons, get ready for Fontawesome 5 (Helix Ultimate feature update)

1.1.4 (October 22, 2019)

  • Added Uikit 3.2.1 updated
  • Added Add column and row gap options to add-ons

1.1.3 (September 02, 2019)

  • Added Custom color, font style for title/meta/content and button
  • Added Add grid support and custom icon for number counter
  • Added Add grid support and custom icon for number counter
  • Improved Improved Marker, add delay animation support
  • Improved Improved simple pricing, more style options for customization (font, padding, header background, price symbol and more)
  • Improved Improved Progress bar layout
  • Fixed Content overlap the video modal
  • Fixed Animation delay crash in some cases

1.1.2 (August 01, 2019)

  • Added New Card slider add-on
  • Added Add hover effects for title and image in Card and Grid add-ons
  • Added Add grid options for title alignment in Card, Grid, Marker, Switcher, Info Box, Card Slider add-ons
  • Added Add option to align meta text above the content to add-ons
  • Added Add easing option to background images with parallax effect
  • Added Add card padding option to Card and Grid, Marker, Infobox, Card Slider add-ons
  • Added Add link options to Overlay, Card, Grid, Marker, Simple Gallery, Filter Gallery and Slider add-ons
  • Added Add color option for inlined SVGs to add-ons
  • Added Add Container Width option for slideshow add-on
  • Added New blend mode option for slideshow item image
  • Added Add text color option for slider item (Slider add-on)
  • Added Button style, button size and button margin top option (Slider add-on)
  • Added Button transition for the link when the overlay appears on hover. (Slider add-on)
  • Added Add Max Width and item width option (Simple gallery, filter gallery add-ons)
  • Added New options for icon color, icon name and media layout support (List add-on)
  • Added Blend mode, background color and overlay background for slideshow item (Slideshow add-on)
  • Added A new option allows to show the navigation label as the tab title (Switcher add-on)
  • Added Add margin top options (Testimonial add-on)
  • Added New Vertical icon mode for social overlay (Team add-on)
  • Added Now you can use image transition with blend mode (Image add-on)
  • Added Add custom icon mode and Font Awesome icon for inbox box add-on (Info Box add-on)
  • Improved Slideshow item color settings, improvements, disable padding container for none overlay style (It requires to re-config the Overlay Container Width after updating)
  • Improved Testimonial slider (You need to re-config the columns and navigation settings)
  • Improved Simple gallery: Lightbox content rendering
  • Improved Button add-on: Content rendering, add fallback for text align
  • Improved Light gallery: new hover image option and bug fixes
  • Improved Card: Improved code base
  • Improved Slider: Changed interval field from number field to slider field (You need to re-config the interval value if any.)
  • Improved Marker: Improved image rendering
  • Improved Switcher: Rename animation class and switcher alignment (It requires to re-config the navigation display and switcher animation for switcher)
  • Improved Team: Allow blend mode options for each item instead all items
  • Improved Grid: Rebuilt the grid layout for image and title
  • Fixed Team add-on: Fix velocity setting not working
  • Fixed Slideshow: Fix velocity not working , box shadow not assigned in some cases
  • Fixed Description: Fix Title style not working with stacked layout
  • Fixed Card: fix missing div class
  • Fixed Filter gallery: Fix meta alignment and closing div html missing

1.1.1 (June 03, 2019)

  • Added New pricing add-on
  • Fixed Fix link margin top call to action
  • Fixed Fix Overlay color setting for caption mode
  • Fixed Improved Testimonial/Testimonial Slider

1.1.0 (May 02, 2019 - Minor update May 24, 2019)

  • Added Parallax Background options for all add-ons
  • Added Content style/Meta Style support for Testimonial slider
  • Added Title settings for Accordion
  • Added New heading style (Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, 2XLarge)
  • Added Add text secondary to Text style
  • Added Uikit version 3.1.15
  • Fixed Fix Testimonial slider name missing
  • Fixed Fix Video modal not playing
  • Fixed Alert: Fix close button overlap content, new content/title style options

1.0.9 (March 21, 2019)

  • Added Social Add-On
  • Added Add more margin options for fields in all add-ons
  • Added Person add-on: Overlay for social icons mode
  • Added Lightgallery add-on: new Hash URL plugin
  • Added New style settings for Simple gallery(Title/Meta/Content)
  • Added Simple gallery: new Lightbox settings
  • Added Simple gallery: new hover image feature
  • Added Switcher add-on: new grid settings for image
  • Added Text add-on: New drop cap color, new text size option
  • Improved Button add-on
  • Improved List add-on, new icon/image source
  • Improved Video add-on, new Show controls, Loop video, Mute video, Play inline on mobile devices, Lazy load video option.
  • Improved Accordion add-on: new image border, new content style, new link options. New X-Large and XX-Large setting for Image Grid
  • Improved Grid add-on: Improved condition logic settings
  • Improved Overlay add-on: new hover image options, style settings and overlay max width config
  • Improved Image add-on
  • Improved Image alt and data-alt title rendering
  • Changed Slider add-on refined, New Ui settings
  • Changed Info Box add-on refined
  • Changed Simple Pricing add-on refined
  • Fixed Lightgallery: Fix Undefined property: stdClass::$title (Caption overlay), improved content rendering, Fix Document not active on exitFullscreen (chrome 71)
  • Fixed Navbar add-on: Fix offcanvas bar missing on mobile devices if Toggle Menu is disabled
  • Fixed Description add-on: Leader not working and breakpoint name class duplicates
  • Fixed Simple gallery caption style not working
  • Fixed Fix modal link issue with custom content

1.0.8 (February 07, 2019)

  • Added Google Fonts API Key option (Extra Joomla template)
  • Added Uikit 3 version 3.0.3 stable updated
  • Fixed Uikit library missing

1.0.7 (January 03, 2019)

  • Added New Progress Bar animations effect
  • Added Animation settings for Marker add-on
  • Added Larger style setting for Sidenav
  • Added Add-on title option for all add-ons
  • Added Title/Content color option for Lightgallery
  • Added Text alignment fallback added for all add-ons
  • Added Max width option added for all add-ons
  • Added Color option and image transition for person add-on
  • Added Number font-size setting for countdown
  • Added Meta alignment for description list add-on
  • Fixed Improvements and bug fixes for front-end editing
  • Fixed Correct image path for facebook comment(Light Gallery)
  • Fixed Slider text color settings not working
  • Fixed List general settings not working
  • Fixed Fix modal link issue with custom content
  • Improved Slideshow add-on
  • Improved Slider add-on

1.0.6 (December 06, 2018)

  • Added Border pill style for images
  • Added Add print, reddit, mircrophone, file-text, file-pdf, chevron-double left and right icons.
  • Added src as primary option to SVG component
  • Added Text emphasis to Ui Text addon
  • Fixed Unexpected '>' issue fixed on the left offcanvas menu.
  • Fixed Front-end editing (Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string)
  • Fixed Testimonial Slidenav color setting
  • Fixed Overlay image transition not working

1.0.5 (August 13, 2018)

  • Changed Marker animation for dropdown on hover/click
  • Changed Cookie notification update (Script version v3.1.0)
  • Added Animation delay option for all add-ons
  • Added Slideshow: New animation effect for title/content/meta and button.
  • Fixed Undefined property: stdClass:: in some cases due to empty fields
  • Fixed Map lat/long and empty popup field

1.0.4 (August 10, 2018)

  • Changed Update Helix Ultimate Framework 1.0.3
  • Changed Update Uikit Framework Version 3.0.0-Rc.11
  • Improved Add exception for empty fields (Undefined issue FIXED)
  • Improved Font size render not correctly with Helix3 based templates

1.0.3 (August 05, 2018)

  • Added Detailed documentation for all add-ons
  • Added New Parallax animation and Background parallax options for Button, Heading, List, Button-group, Headline, Image add-on
  • Added New Code add-on
  • Added New Grid add-on
  • Added New Subnav add-on
  • Added New Add-on visibility setting options for Phone, tablet, desktop and large screen display
  • Added New Vertical Margin option for all add-ons
  • Added New Alignment Breakpoint for all add-ons
  • Added New column options for testimonial slider add-on
  • Added Card Header/Footer with new column settings, grid, parallax
  • Added Logo option for Navbar add-on
  • Added New button mode, animation options for toggle add-on
  • Added CTA add-on added 04 positions for button, new heading options and grid layout control
  • Added New text Breakpoint feature for content align add-on
  • Added New caption mode and grid layout control for Lightgallery add-on
  • Added New options for divider/description add-on
  • Added Accordion with new options, box-shadow, image and link fields
  • Added New general setting options(box shadow, margin, visibility, alignment) for video add-on
  • Added New box shadow and shadow hover for Overlay add-on
  • Changed Uikit to 3.0.0 rc 10
  • Changed Prefix Uikit add-on’s name from Uikit -> UI
  • Changed Card media add-on to Card add-on with new options
  • Changed Vertical Switcher add-on to Switcher add-on with new options
  • Changed Image render with Uikit Image component using data-src
  • Changed Slider add-on renovated, new overlay effect and UI settings improved
  • Changed Slideshow add-on renovated, new overlay effect and UI settings improved
  • Changed Filter gallery renovated, better column control, better filter tags, new 04 filter styles
  • Changed Person add-on renovated
  • Changed Simple gallery reworked , parallax control, overlay options, and responsive columns control
  • Changed Team slider add-on renovated
  • Changed Ui Heading addon renovated
  • Changed Image add-on renovated
  • Changed Ui Button add-on renovated, now you can add multiple buttons with animation effect
  • Changed Marker add-on renovated, better hover/click mode and reponsive design
  • Improved Animation settings for all add-ons
  • Improved Alert add-on
  • Improved Uikit icon add-on
  • Improved Testimonial UI add-on
  • Improved Testimonial Slider UI add-on
  • Improved Cookie add-on
  • Improved Infobox add-on
  • Improved Modal add-on
  • Improved Text add-on
  • Improved Table add-on with new list feature.
  • Improved Simple pricing add-on
  • Improved UI countdown add-on
  • Fixed Lightgallery facebook comment box delay
  • Fixed Common issues for all add-ons fixed.
  • Fixed Translation ready for 'All' tag (filter gallery)

1.0.2 (July 16, 2018)

  • Added New svg add-on
  • Added New video add-on
  • Added New overlay image add-on
  • Added New Highlighted Add-on
  • Added Alignment for testimonial slider
  • Added New icon list and color options for uk list add-on
  • Added Add inverse style settings for light or dark backgrounds.
  • Added Navbar style setting options
  • Added Ui Slider svg graphic support
  • Changed Uikit to 3.0.0 rc 9
  • Changed Font size option for heading add-on
  • Changed New structure for animated text items
  • Changed Color option for headlines text
  • Improved Extra add-on template style version 1.0.2
  • Improved Performance improvements
  • Fixed Heading addon settings not working
  • Fixed Issue with extra add-on template settings
  • Fixed Navbar css class issue
  • Fixed Text add-on alignment issue
  • Fixed Infobox icon size not working

1.0.1 (July 09, 2018)

  • Added Parallax Add-on
  • Added fullPage Scrolling Add-on
  • Added Color option for text progress bar
  • Added New card styles/font settings for Accordion add-on
  • Added Animation option for Card Head & Footer and Countdown
  • Added New Subnav styles for switcher
  • Changed Uikit to 3.0.0 rc 8
  • Changed Uikit animation settings
  • Improved Headlines style add-on
  • Improved Performance improvements
  • Fixed Responsive issue Vertical switcher add-on
  • Fixed WT Extra Addons template (article rating not working)

1.0.0 (July 04, 2018)

  • Added Initial release