Tagged: RokSprocket, WT Enterprise

I have configured a RokSprocket Module to display some stripes of products, and I would like to be able to change the way that the title of the module is displayed.
I’ve checked and the title of the module, when displayed, is placed between <h4> HTML tags and aligned to the left side. I’d like to put it between <h1> tags and centered.
I don’t know if this is a task that can be easily executed, but I can’t find the way to do it, since there is no accesible code to the module.
Thanks in advance,
I’ve been trying to modify the CSS of the template, particularlly the theme.css file. Since the title has the “uk-panel-title” class, I thought that maybe I could change something there, but it isn’t working.
I’ve tried adding a class in the CSS and assigning it to the Module Prefix but I’m probably doing something wrong there.
Will continue trying though.
Hi Miguel,
Roksprocket support template override, please check template folder then modify the layout.
See more detail here
NOTE: You should custom css code via custom.css file 🙂
Hi again!
After some days trying to modify the title I’ve been able to change the size and the weight of the font, but now I find impossible to get rid of the half underline that appears in all the H3 elements:
I’ve been looking “everywhere” into CSS but couldn’t find the attribute that adds the underlining.
Some help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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