Hi! I have a few problems with Factory Pro template that I recently bought…
1) Menu bar is not visible in mobile phones, how can I fix it?
2) Slider title is too big when is shown on mobile phones, how can I make it smaller?
3) There is another plugin or module to make bigger the mail box? ( the box where you can write an e-mail)
4) Can I make the social icons bigger?
5) Do you have some plugin like E-shop or Virtuemart? Compatible with the template?
Thank you! Cheers…
Hi Agustin,
“1) Menu bar is not visible in mobile phones, how can I fix it?”
Could you pls share you site so I can check?
“2) Slider title is too big when is shown on mobile phones, how can I make it smaller?”
You can set the font size using media queries like so
@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {
//code here
“3) There is another plugin or module to make bigger the mail box? ( the box where you can write an e-mail)”
You can find more here https://extensions.joomla.org/category/contacts-and-feedback/email/
“4) Can I make the social icons bigger?”
Add css code below into custom.css file
.top-bar .social ul li a {font-size: 20px;}
“5) Do you have some plugin like E-shop or Virtuemart? Compatible with the template?”
Our template working fine with VM or J2store without problem. Just not support “extended style”
Hello good afternoon, I have received your response and I have tried with all the options you give me and have no result, the social icons do not change in size or color, the size of the letter for the slider does not change either. Pls another solution? I’m new in Joomla so I need kind of specified steps…
Could you please provide the site address here to take a look ?
Did you add css code into custom.css file ?
About menu not visible on mobile. Check this demo http://demo.warptheme.com/joomla/wt_factory/ Did you face the same issue?
Hi, thanks for your response…
– Here is the address of my site:
– Yes, i did add css code into custom.css file and I couldn´t solve the problem.
– I can´t send a print screen of the home page, but when I see the page in a mobile format I can´t see the menu as demo direction you put up here.
Thank you!
Hi Agustin,
Could you please recheck the site? I got this message
Hi Brian
– Can you tell me how can I send you a screen print? So I can show you the problem I am having at the moment.
– I created another module to put the mainmenu in offcanvas position, the problem is that I can see it only in a tablet format, but is not visible on mobile phones. I can´t find a solution.
– The web is not online yet, there you can not see it.
Thank you!
Hi Agustin,
Please create a private ticket here https://warptheme.com/member-area/ticket-system/
If possible please put your site live so I can take a look on it.
Hi Brian, finally the page is online, this is the link: http://suyaysalta.com.ar/web/
As you can see i am having several troubles. I can´t change the text colour in the home page or in the “quienes somos” “servicio técnico” section. I can´t center the information of phone and e-mail, so as to be align with the enterprise logo.
I would like to know if the slide type could be smaller, since in cellphones the text is difficult to see. And if there is any option to set the search module in place, because is over the slide.
Thank you!
” I can´t change the text colour in the home page or in the “quienes somos” “servicio técnico” section. ”
Could you please be more detail about “TEXT COLOR” ?
” I can´t center the information of phone and e-mail, so as to be align with the enterprise logo.”
I see you already changed the info for phone,social and email. What’s wrong?
“I would like to know if the slide type could be smaller, since in cellphones the text is difficult to see. ”
Please take a look Slider Layouts section http://www.unitecms.net/joomla-extensions/unite-revolution-slider-responsive/documentation/main-settings
“And if there is any option to set the search module in place, because is over the slide.”
Did you try to change the row settings for search module in mobile device?
For the next question please submit to our private ticket system https://warptheme.com/account/
Thank you
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