Edu Template: How to create dropdown sub-menus

Home Forums Support Edu Template: How to create dropdown sub-menus

Hi there,
I’ve been using the Edu Template for some time now (still testing) and I’d like to know how to create 2nd-level submenus on the dropdown section of the site.

Hi Awal,

Simply go to template settings -> Options -> Menus, here you can set columns for the parent menu item

Like this

Thanks, but your solution only creates another column in my dropdown menu.
What I want to get to is to have a multi-level dropdown navigation.

You can see what I want to get to

Warp7 framework itself does not support sub-level menu like that. The sub-level will be added below the parent menu item like this

For this case, you can try FREE version of DJ Megamenu extension
Hover on second menu item (MEGA MENU – HOME) to see the effect right/left for sub-menu

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