Color Change with Construction Template not possible?

Home Forums Support Color Change with Construction Template not possible?

Good day,

I would like to test your construction template before purchasing. I now need only a different color. With the option Preset Style I change the colors via code. However, nothing changes on the homepage. I need the Major color to red and background transparency. Is that at all possible?

Thank you and best regards from Germany

Hi Necro,
Did you enable compile less to css feature via template settings before ? Take a look the template settings -> tab Advanced for more detail.

Oh my God. Thank´s a lot. That´s it.

Only one more question. How can I make the white background in an article transparent?

Thank´s a lot.

Please give a try with css code like so

article.item.item-page {
    background: red !important;

add to custom.css file.

Yes, that’s the right way. Thank you

But I need the background Transparent, not red. How can I change that?

Many Thanks

  • This reply was modified 55 years, 2 months ago by .

OK, now i have it.

Thank you so much for your help.

You’re welcome

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