amely template multilingual

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Hi AmelyMakers,

I realy enjoy the style of template. I also found it verry goot to use. Verry nice work, you did there! Thank you.

But I need help using it multiligual now.
Did annybody manage to use amely template multilingual with succes?
I tried a lot and failed, but my joomla knowlage is rather medium. To me it seems, that the appearance of the Main Menu in Desktopmode dependes on the specific menutype “mainmenu”, all other menutypes let the Main Menu disappear. For multilingual Page, I need to use a different menutype for the second language. So I do not manage to see the Main Menu in Front in both languages. The menutype “mainmenu” does something in background, which I coul’d not finde out and I need to have this done also for one other language ( menutype). Can anybody give me a hint to solve that?

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